Safe, advanced cosmetic dental treatments in Spokane WA boosts your smile without the risk

There are almost 200 general dentists to choose from in far-eastern Washington. The office of Richard D. Weigand, DDS is glad you’re here! We look forward to meeting you in person. As you might have noticed during your search for cosmetic dental treatments in Spokane WA, many dentists market products and procedures designed specifically to beautify the appearance of the smile; however, not all cosmetic treatments are delivered in the same way, and get the natural or dramatic results that you desire.

With more than 30 years of experience and credentials including attaining Fellowship status with the Academy of General Dentistry and the World Clinical Laser Institute, Dr. Richard Weigand is pleased to offer cosmetic procedures that are:

  • Safe – We use biocompatible, non-toxic dental materials and products that are customized to your needs, budget, goals, and personal preferences.
  • Advanced – Technologies such as laser dentistry and Invisalign to promote comfortable dentistry, and a more pleasant chairside experience.

Teeth whitening, the Dr. Weigand way

You may have rushed to the store to buy the latest kit, toothpaste, or strips marketed to whiten stained teeth. The results may have been disappointing, or you may have experienced sensitivity and irritation. Dr. Weigand offers professional whitening that works, because the gels he uses contain ingredients that are proven to break up stains, and that are strong enough to whiten teeth. Since Dr. Weigand can adjust the strength of the whitening gel and other aspects of the process, sensitivity and other problems associated with some bleaching treatments can be managed. Moreover, Dr. Weigand can safely whiten your teeth (up to several shades) in less than an hour with in-office bleaching treatment.

Dr. Weigand’s dental materials for stunning (yet natural-looking) smile

Dr. Weigand’s dental materials for stunning (yet natural-looking) smile in Spokane area


From cracks to chips, spacing issues to shaping needs, a variety of cosmetic concerns can be treated with dental bonding. Dr. Weigand applies his artistry and experience to prepare BPA-safe resin, which is then applied to your teeth and shaped to address your specific need for improvement. Additionally, this safe dental material may be used to replace silver-colored mercury fillings that have historically been used to treat cavities. This material is designed to look and feel like natural teeth, and to last (with proper care, of course!).

Porcelain is also stunning in terms of its beauty and strength. It resists stains, mimics a natural tooth’s translucency, and withstands the pressure from chewing and other functions. So, it’s the standard option for premier cosmetic treatment with veneers. The veneer is fabricated by skilled ceramicists in a specialized dental laboratory. After the veneer is made, it’s placed on the front of a tooth in your “smile zone.” The natural tooth is prepared to “accept” the veneer and then bonded on to the teeth for a stunning, natural effect.

A type of BPA-free plastic is also used to make the aligners that are responsible for Invisalign’s straightening prowess. Instead of braces, Invisalign patients wear a series of aligners as instructed by Dr. Weigand. These aligner trays may be removed for comfortable eating and effective brushing and flossing. Each tray in the series incrementally repositions the teeth. So, it’s a proven (and patient-approved!) option to correct crowded and crooked teeth, and a variety of bite problems.

What’s in store for your smile? Call [phone] to schedule an appointment with Dr. Weigand. He’ll create a customized treatment plan that gets results, and is uniquely, naturally and beautifully “you.”

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