If you have crooked teeth, you could be among the millions experiencing lowered self-confidence that affects your social and professional life, and your happiness. An estimated four million people in the U.S. (a quarter of them adults) are currently wearing traditional braces. Brackets and wires are not for everyone, though. Fortunately, Dr. Richard Weigand offers Clear Aligner Therapy—a discreet, comfortable, and effective ​orthodontics ​option for patients in Spokane, WA​.

How Clear Aligner Therapy Can Improve Your Smile

With advancements in modern dental technology, there is now a ​faster, more affordable orthodontic solution ​to get the straighter smile you deserve. Using the latest technology (if you are a candidate) in orthodontics and having over 30 years of experience, Dr. Weigand can help you get a ​straighter smile and renewed confidence with clear aligners.

Clear Aligner

Instead of cemented brackets and metal wires, this method of teeth straightening uses smooth, transparent plastic aligners to gently reposition teeth. Clear Aligner Therapy is popular because the aligners are barely noticeable, and they do not irritate the gums, cheeks, or lips.

Dr. Weigand tailors the treatment plan to your needs. You receive multiple sets of aligners to wear over the course of your treatment time, switching to the next set about every two weeks. These aligners progressively make minor adjustments, until teeth reach desired positions. Aligners are worn for 20–22 hours each day but are removed for normal eating, brushing, and flossing.

Is Clear Aligner Therapy Suitable For You?

In 1998, when the FDA approved Clear Aligner Therapy, it was considered a treatment for minor, cosmetic misalignment. The technology has continued to advance, however; today, Clear Aligner Therapy can be used effectively for:

  • Crowded teeth
  • Gaps and uneven spacing
  • Overlaps, twisted, and shifted teeth
  • Overbite correction
  • Underbite correction
  • Crossbite correction

Why You Should Consider Orthodontics

Clear Brace 2

Straight teeth have fewer gaps that trap food debris, and they make it easier to keep your mouth clean. That reduces harmful oral bacteria, which lowers the risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease. Crooked teeth can also affect bite by how the upper and lower arches close together. An unbalanced bite leads to accelerated dental wear (chips, fractures, and worn-down teeth). It can also contribute to painful clenching and grinding, TMJ problems, headaches, and migraines.

For teens and busy adults, comfortable, discreet Clear Aligner Therapy clear aligners can be an ideal alternative to traditional braces.

The Benefits Of Clear Aligner Therapy

Clear aligners are so thin and transparent that you can barely see them. They’re also removable, which is a major advantage—it makes eating, brushing, and flossing easy. For these reasons alone, Clear Aligner Therapy is becoming the preferred method for orthodontic care.

In addition to being more discreet than metal braces, Clear Aligner Therapy also requires fewer appointments and adjustments. That makes it more convenient than traditional orthodontic treatment, as well as shorter overall. Patients can often complete their treatment in six or eighteen months instead of the two to three years needed with traditional braces. Plus, there are no dietary restrictions or ultra-strict hygiene rules—just wear the aligners as often as possible and enjoy life.

If you are interested in Clear Aligner Therapy treatment, call Dr. Richard Weigand’s office to arrange a consultation today. He will be happy to provide you with more information about this revolutionary orthodontic solution and answer any questions you may have. With Clear Aligner Therapy from Dr. Weigand, you can get the straight smile of your dreams without feeling uncomfortable.​ Call us today to learn more!